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We were made to create.

WELD enables creators to dream and do together through like-minded community and creative space.


"We were made to be together and today we believe that more than ever. Our founder, Austin Mann, saw creators around the world longing to create great things but fragmented from community, lacking access to tools and without space to make their visions realities. 

WELD set out to enable these creators…reducing the friction between them and their ideas. As WELD has grown, we’ve witnessed first-hand the fruit of collective imagination as creators with complimentary skillset dream together and create together. We are continually floored by the things we see being born here and that beauty increasingly fuels our passion to grow WELD every single day. 

To WELD, creators are simply people creating something from nothing for the common good… this could be a photographer, a film, a website, a product, a small business or anything else."


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