Paradigm Project: San Diego > LA

Paradigm Project: San Diego > LA

x:36.778261, y: -119.41793239999998

On October 4, 2011, a group will set out from sunny San Diego on a 10-day trek to Los Angeles to do what no other group has done before them: carry 40-60 pound bundles of wood on their backs in honor of, and to bring awareness to, the hundreds of millions of women in this world that cook every meal over an open fire. In much of the world, women and even their daughters are walking up to 10 or 15 miles to collect wood for their families to cook.

With all this effort to collect wood, women and their children return to their homes only to cook over a dirty, inefficient fire forcing them to go back to collect wood again a few days later. Amazingly, cooking every meal over an open fire causes the death of nearly 2 million women and childrenevery year from lower respiratory disease.

This piece was edited on the fly and screened the final day of the woodwalk in Los Angeles. It was then polished up a bit for the screening at the Sundance Film festival event. 

Direction:  Austin Mann & Jordan Bellamy

Cinematography:  Austin Mann & Jordan Bellamy

Editing: Jordan Bellamy

Scoring:  M83, Cee Lo Green, Griffin Kelp

categories MotionNon-Profit