Joby GripTight - Tripod Mount
Great, fast way to throw your camera on a tripod. Low-cost.

Olloclip 4-in-1
Super wide angle fisheye, standard wide angle and uber close macro. I use this all the time, great for close quarters.

Osprey Meridian 22"
This is my favorite bag in the world. It's been with me on 6 continents many times and has yet to fail. I carry it on every flight.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Review: A must-read for everyone. Core principles that will impact literally every facet of your life for the better. Business, personal, anywhere.

How to Win Friends & Influence People
Review: A timeless classic that everyone should read. Carnegie breaks down the importance in human relationship and highlights interpersonal skills that have attributed to the success of many leaders throughout history.

Getting to Yes
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Great book for better understanding how to negotiate with anyone… clients, biz friends and friends/family too!

Fascinating book about unique social situations and various other factors that have contributed to the creation of exceptional leaders and businesses throughout history.

MeFOTO Sidekick360
Super-strong iPhone tripod mount w/ 360° ball head. When this thing has your iPhone in it's jaws, you know it's not going anywhere!

Mountain Hardwear Ghost Whisperer
I wear this jacket everywhere -- it's amazingly light yet incredibly warm. I think it's my favorite piece of apparel I own.

Zero To One
Review: Zero to One had a profound impact on the way I think about ideas and has substantially influenced startup culture worldwide. Are you building a product that's pushing the human race forward or just something that feeds an existing human need?

The Lean Startup
Often times, when big ideas hit we tend to dream about how to make it big quickly and lose sight of the importance of staying lean, mean and nimble through the stages of shaping the idea. The Lean Startup will help you think differently about scarce resources and how it can actually benefit your business as you grow.

Creativity, Inc
Review: Creativity, Inc is a fascinating read about the rollercoaster startup adventure of one of the most innovative and groundbreaking companies of our time: Pixar. Ed Catmull, co-founder, shares openly and vulnerably about their struggles and how their team conquered together… a story that is sure to inspire and affirm any creative business owner.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
Review: A must-read classic, Al & Jack make this case: if there are immutable laws of physics, why can't there also be immutable laws of marketing? This quick, 2 hour read will forever transform the way you think about truth vs perceptions and how the best brands in the world have convinced you they're the best.

Launch: Secret Formula
Review: The father of internet marketing was we know it, Jeff Walker, lays out a detailed step-by-step sequence for launching nearly any product online and building a business you love. Although it's mostly targeted at selling knowledge online, his principles transcend any industry and are effective tools no matter what career you're pursuing.

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs
Review: A detailed breakdown of Steve's presentation techniques, Carmine Gallo does a fantastic job of deconstructing the concepts and principles in the beautiful narratives of each and every presentation Steve Jobs ever made.

Best Business Practices for Photographers
I recommend to this book to every single photographer… new or old. If you want to make a living as a photographer, it's mission critical to take many of these basic principles and apply them to your biz practice… get smarter at licensing, taxes, insurance, contracts, digital workflow and more.

Getting Things Done
GTD will help your take all those tasks that are floating around in your head and put them into an organized, trusted system that you can execute strategically.

The War of Art
Review: Though not explicitly a photography book, The War of Art breaks down the culprit of stagnating creativity in our lives… personifying "Resistance" as an active enemy working against us, we step into a new mindset about how to conquer this force to create great things.

The Power of Habit
Review: The Power of Habit makes a convincing case for subliminal influence of habits in our lives. Duhigg deconstructs why we have habits but where it gets really interesting is the techniques to harness this power in our lives and businesses.